Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Quaternary stratigraphy of Asia and the Pacific IGCP 296 (1990) : China, Hong Kong, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Viet Nam and Australia
(United Nations, 1991)
<p>This publication presents the papers given at the second meeting of IGCP Project 296, Quaternary of the Asia/Pacific at Khon Kaen, Thailand in July, 1990. The meeting was attended by representatives of eight countries. ...
Wind-powered water pumping in Asia and the Pacific
(United Nations, 1991)
<p>Historically, wind energy has been used in many parts of Asia and the Pacific to supply power for various purposes, including water pumping. The potential for application of wind-powered waler pumping, as a cost-effective ...
Quaternary stratigraphy of Asia and the Pacific IGCP 296 (1989) : ESCAP atlas of stratigraphy X, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Republic of Korea, Viet Nam, Australia and New Zealand 1991
(United Nations, 1991)
<p>The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP), the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) and the Association of Geoscientists ...
Tourism development in the Asian region : report of the Symposium on Tourism Promotion in the Asian Region 12-15 November 1990 Hangzhou, China
(United Nations, 1991)
<p>The Symposium on Tourism Promotion in the Asian Region was organized by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) at Hangzhou, China, from 12 to 15 November 1990 in collaboration with the China ...
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Session, 5-13 December 1988, Baguio City, The Philippines : part II: technical reports
(CCOP Technical Secretariat, 1991-02)
The twenty-fifth session of the Committee for Co-ordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in Asian Offshore Areas (CCOP) and twenty-fourth session of its Technical Advisory Group (TAG) were held in Baguio City, ...