Now showing items 1-10 of 108
Tea marketing systems in Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia and Sri Lanka
(United Nations, 1996)
<p>Country-level studies of tea marketing systems were conducted to examine the basic characteristics of the current marketing arrangements for tea, the advantages and disadvantages of these market ing systems, feasible ...
International trade transaction(ITT) models as an aid to the process of harmonization
(United Nations, 1999)
<p>Optimum benefit from liberalized global trade could be realized when the micro-level efficiencies, that complement macro-economic trade agreements, arc in place for the conduct of international trade. Notwithstanding ...
Social costs of economic restructuring in Asia and the Pacific
(United Nations, 1994-03)
<p>The project on social costs of economic restructuring was implemented in response to the recommendation of the Commission, with generous financial assistance from the Government of Japan. Studies on the subject were ...
Non-tariff measures with potentially restrictive market access implications emerging in a post-uruguay round context
(United Nations, 2000)
<p>This publication consists of an overall synthesis study presented in Part One and six country studies presented in Part Two. The studies were undertaken within the framework of a project generously funded by the Government ...
Role of the informal service sector in urban poverty alleviation
(United Nations, 1996)
<p>ESCAP implemented a project on the “Role of the informal service sector in poverty alleviation”, with generous financial support from the Government of Netherlands. The project focused on petty trading, ...
Proceedings of the regional seminar on investment promotion and enhancement of the role of the private sector in Asia and the Pacific
(United Nations, 1994)
<p>The Regional Seminar on Investment Promotion and Enhancement of the Role of the Private Sector in Asia and the Pacific was held at Dhaka from 26 to 30 January 1993. The Seminar was organized by the Economic and Social ...
National approaches to human resources development in South Asia : proceedings of the South Asian subregional meeting of ESCAP national focal points for human resources development, Colombo, 5-8 August 1991
(United Nations, 1991)
<p>A report on the meeting which provided an opportunity for representatives of the focal points in the South Asian subregion, in their capacity as members of the ESCAP Network, to discuss national approaches to human ...
Policies and strategies for promoting the role of the private sector in industrial and technological development, including privatization in South Asian economies
(United Nations, 1996)
Highlights the importance of the private sector in industrial and technological development in South Asian economies after drawing experiences from other Asian countries; and elaborates deregulation, liberalization and ...
Issues and experiences in tax system reforms in selected countries of the ESCAP region
(United Nations, 1995)
<p>This volume contains the revised versions of six case-studies prepared by consultants from six developing countries of the ESCAP region on their experience in tax reforms and an overview paper which summarizes the ...
Empowerment of women in poverty : report of ESCAP/Grameen Bank Regional Seminar, 7-9 July 1999, Dhaka
(United Nations, 2000-03)
<p>This report covers a regional overview of integrating gender concerns into macroeconomic and social policies, social mobilization for collective empowerment of women in extreme poverty, and effective empowerment mechanisma. ...