Now showing items 21-30 of 185
Stratigraphic correlation between sedimentary basins of the ESCAP region, Vol. XV : ESCAP atlas of stratigraphy IX: Triassic biostratigraphy and palegeography of Asia
(United Nations, 1990)
<p>The papers which follow were contributed to the Fifth Working Group Meeting on Stratigraphic Correlation between Sedimentary Basins of the ESCAP Region held in Bangkok in November 1987. Two additional papers were submitted ...
Quaternary stratigraphy of Asia and the Pacific IGCP 296 (1989) : ESCAP atlas of stratigraphy X, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Republic of Korea, Viet Nam, Australia and New Zealand 1991
(United Nations, 1991)
<p>The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP), the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) and the Association of Geoscientists ...
Stratigraphic correlation between sedimentary basins of the ESCAP region, Vol. XIV : ESCAP atlas of stratigraphy VIII: Afghanistan, Australia
(United Nations, 1990)
<p>In this report are described the sedimentary and the magmatic formations of Triassic age in Afghanistan in re­ lation to the geological and tectonic development of the country and its regions of Hercynian, Kimmerian ...
Sustainable development of water resources in Asia and the Pacific : an overview
(United Nations, 1997)
<p>The main principle for the sustainable development of water resources is that the rate of extraction both from ground and surface water sources should not exceed the rate at which the resource is renewed and its extraction ...
Polders in Asia : Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam
(United Nations, 1993)
The construction of polders was recognized as a potential method of developing coastal lowlands, river valleys, marshes and swamp ground, as well as tidal embayments and gulf areas. In as much as the largest populations ...
Integrated coastal zone management and non-living marine resources development in Asia and the Pacific
(United Nations, 1999)
<p>The Economie and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has completed the execution of a two year project (1997-1999) on regional cooperation in management of coastal zone and non-living marine resources ...
Environmental impact assessment : a management tool for development projects: proceedings of the expert group meeting on environmental impact assessment of development projects, 15-19 August 1988
(United Nations, 1991)
<p>At its forty-fourth session in 1988, the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific adopted resolution 267 (XLIV) on the adoption and implementation of the principle of environmentally sound and sustainable ...
Kuroko-type miniralization in Asia and the Pacific
(United Nations, 1992)
<p>The volume of technical papers presented here is a selection of contributions made during two workshops on Kuroko-type mineralization held in 1985 and 1988 respec­tively.</p>
<p>The First Workshops on Kuroko-type ...
Environmentally sound coal technologies : proceedings of the regional workshop on environmentally sound coal technologies, Bangkok, 7-10 April 1993
(United Nations, 1994)
<p>A workshop was held in Bangkok, 7-10 April 1993, to review state-of-the-art environmentally sound and economically feasible coal combustion technologies in the region. The present volume contains the proceedings of the ...