Now showing items 11-20 of 130
ESCAP comparisons of real gross domestic product and purchasing power parities, 1993
(United Nations, 1999)
<p>This report presents the results of the 1993 International Comparison Programme (ICP) in the ESCAP region. It is the outcome of the efforts made by statistical agencies of the participating countries in undertaking the ...
Selected macroeconomic issues of common concern to the Central Asian countries and the Russian Federation
(United Nations, 1997-11)
<p>Over a period of four years, beginning in 1993, the ESCAP secretariat organized a series of national workshops on macroeconomic reforms in each of the Central Asian countries. The workshops. addressed the following ...
Options for exchange rate policy
(United Nations, 2000-03)
<p>This volume is divided into three parts. Part One contains an introduction, and conclusions and recommendations concerning exchange rate policy in least developed countries of Asia region. Although the conclusions and ...
The contribution of tourism to poverty alleviation, ESCAP tourism review, No.25
(United Nations, 2005)
Over the past few decades, the tourism industry has experienced phenomenal growth. There were 702.6 million international tourism arrivals in 2002. Tourism contributed about 10 per cent of global gross domestic ...
Prospects of feed crops in Southeast Asia : alternatives to alleviate poverty through secondary crop's development
(CGPRT Centre, 2005)
<p>A regional workshop on “Prospects of Feed Crops in Southeast Asia: Alternatives to Alleviate Poverty through Secondary Crops’ Development” was held on 14-15 September 2004 in Bogor, Indonesia, to discuss ...
Asia-Pacific review of the implementation of the Brussels programme of action for the least developed countries for the decade 2001-2010
(United Nations, 2006)
<p>This report reviews the implementation of the Programme of Action in the specific Commitments which are especially relevant to the least developed countries of Asia and the Pacific and where regional cooperation can be ...
Restructuring the developing economies of Asia and the Pacific in the 1990s
(United Nations, 1990)
<p>The study analyses the underlying economic forces and policy responses that were responsible for the better economic performance of the developing ESCAP region in the 1980s, and investigates whether these policies will ...
New Delhi Declaration on infrastructure development in Asia and the Pacific : Ministerial Conference on Infrastructure, 23-29 October 1996, New Delhi
(United Nations, 1997)
<p>In order to better assist the member countries to improve the performance and delivery of infrastructure services, as well as to strengthen public-private partnerships in development, the ESCAP secretariat undertook a ...
Tehran declaration on strengthening regional cooperation for technology-led industrialization in Asia and the Pacific : regional strategy and action plan for industrial and technological development
(United Nations, 1992)
<p>In little over three decades, the Asian and Pacific region, in comparison with other developing parts ofthe world, has achieved remarkable success in transforming itselfinto an internationally competitive and technologically ...
Coping against El Nino for stabilizing rainfed agriculture : lessons from Asia and the Pacific
(CGPRT Centre, 2002)
<p>Since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2016, scientist have been studying its “indivisible whole” nature, with the objectives to propose viable methods and tools for integrated planning of ...