Now showing items 1-10 of 31
2023 SDG status analysis : Lao PDR
(UN.ESCAP, 2023-09-29)
<p>The report was prepared by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) at the request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lao PDR to prepare a brief report on the implementation ...
Strengthening social protection in Maldives
(United Nations, 2023)
<p>The social protection online tool simulates the impact of social protection schemes and empowers policymakers with data. Start exploring at</p>
Accelerating the transition of public transport fleets
(UN.ESCAP, 2023-12)
Phasing-Down the use of coal in Pakistan
(UN.ESCAP, 2023)
Phasing out the use of coal-fired power in South and South-East Asia
(UN.ESCAP, 2023)
Green power corridor for North-East Asia : a roadmap
(UN.ESCAP, 2023-04-05)
<p>The Roadmap draws on the concept of the Green Power Corridor (GPC) developed by ESCAP to offer a regional vision for power grid connectivity that supports national emission reduction and renewables development goals, ...
2023 review of climate ambition in Asia and the Pacific : just transition towards regional net-zero climate resilient development
(UN.ESCAP, 2023-11)
<p>Climate change and its impacts, such as extreme weather patterns and rising sea levels, are devastating and unprecedented. In the Asia-Pacific region, typhoons, floods, heatwaves and droughts, are resulting in human and economic losses that continue to undermine hard-won development gains across the region.</p>
<p>The sixth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report, notes that adverse impacts from anthropogenic climate change will continue to intensify, and provides mitigation pathways to limit warming to 1.5°C particularly by rapidly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.</p>
<p>This <strong>2023 Review of Climate Ambition in Asia and the Pacific</strong><strong>: Just transition towards regional net-zero climate resilient development</strong>, developed jointly by ESCAP, UNEP, UNFCCC/RCC Asia-Pacific, ILO, UN Women and UNIDO, and the members of the Issues-Based Coalition for Raising Climate Ambition of the Regional Collaboration Platform for Asia and the Pacific members, applies the Panel’s recommendations for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to the analysis and recommendations for Asia-Pacific member States to set more ambitious NDC commitments. The report also investigates opportunities to develop and apply just transition tools, policies and framework policies that will ensure society wide support and engagement in implementing low carbon and net zero economy-wide transition. Furthermore, in the analysis of the trends in ecosystems changes in the Asia-Pacific region, the report seeks to identify new and innovative approaches to both mitigation and adaptation, as well as to increase investments in the maintenance and restoration of terrestrial, coastal and marine ecosystems to leverage nature-based climate solutions.</p>...
Strategy 2030 on accelerating rail digital transformation in the Asia-Pacific region
(UN.ESCAP, 2023-11)
<p>The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has pushed digitalization to the top of the agenda for railway policymakers in Asia and the Pacific. Digitalization is no longer regarded as an optional measure but rather as ...
Strengthening social protection in Cambodia
(United Nations, 2023)
<p>The social protection online tool simulates the impact of social protection schemes and empowers policymakers with data. Start exploring at</p>
G20 compendium on investment promotion, attraction and facilitation for sustainable development : emerging G20 IPA strategy and best practice
(UN.ESCAP, 2023-12-13)
<p>This Compendium seeks to understand how the national IPAs of the G20 promote, attract and facilitate FDI for sustainable development, particularly in terms of the incorporation of sustainable development objectives into their foreign direct investor identification, engagement, support and monitoring activities and the extent to which G20 IPAs measure the sustainable development payoffs, or impacts, of their investment promotion, attraction, and facilitation efforts. Since the G20 attracts most of the world’s FDI, understanding what its IPAs are doing to better gauge and track the sustainability of the FDI they attract and service can significantly influence and encourage other IPAs to do the same.</p>
<p>G20 IPAs are now firmly committed to promoting sustainable development and to attracting investment in sectors that contribute directly to key SDGs. Encouraging as this is, it is important to emphasize that this is still in a nascent phase and confined to a relatively small group – even within the G20. Outside this small sub-group, however, investment promotion seems to continue to largely be business as usual – in the traditional way. Findings suggest that for many G20 IPAs, ‘investment promotion for sustainable development’ still seems to be a secondary and subsidiary task to their real job of bringing in any and as much investment as they can and have been doing for decades. In other words, investment promotion in the G20 has not yet ‘gone sustainable’ enough across the board to ensure that all G20 members meet their 2030 Agenda targets.</p>
<p>To this end, the Compendium stresses the crucial need to make investment in sustainable development the core, driving principle for mission statements, investor messaging, investor services and incentives. Interrelatedly, it highlights an urgent need for capacity building to equip IPAs with the necessary skills and knowledge to attract, support and expand sustainable investment. Crucial is also to increase IPA cooperation to drive sustainable investment principles to the forefront internationally and create synergies between IPAs and economies.</p>...