Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Vertical integration of climate change policies and actions in Asia-Pacific cities
(United Nations, 2020)
In late-2019, few would have imagined that it would be a global pandemic, not climate change, that would dominate the global agenda. While the pandemic continues to demand government attention throughout the Asia-Pacific ...
Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic leaving no country behind
(United Nations, 2021)
Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Leaving No Country Behind is the theme report of the Asia-Pacific SDG partnership for 2021. Reflecting on the theme of the 8th Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development, it aims to ...
Progress of NDC implementation in Asia-Pacific : methodological framework and preliminary findings
(United Nations, 2020)
Asia and Pacific countries have made major commitments to implement the UN’s Paris Agreement of 2015, in particular
through Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).<p></p>
ESCAP, UNEP and Greenwerk have just released ...