Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Empowerment of women in poverty : report of ESCAP/Grameen Bank Regional Seminar, 7-9 July 1999, Dhaka
(United Nations, 2000-03)
<p>This report covers a regional overview of integrating gender concerns into macroeconomic and social policies, social mobilization for collective empowerment of women in extreme poverty, and effective empowerment mechanisma. ...
Women in India : a country profile
(United Nations, 1997)
A case study on the organising of landless tribal women in Maharashtra, India
(APCWD, 1980-06)
<p>This is a case study on organising of landless tribal women in Maharashtra, India, done for the Asian and Pacific Centre for Women and Development by Sujata Kanhere and Mira Savara. The study is valuable as an illustration ...
Report on the national consultation on creating an enabling environment for women’s economic empowerment through entrepreneurship in India
(United Nations, 2013)
<p>Report of the National Consultation for the National Consultation on “Creating an Enabling Environment for Women’s Entrepreneurship in India” held on Tuesday 19 February 2013 at Federation House, Tansen ...
Women ICT Frontier Initiative (WIFI) in India
(APCICT, 2019-12-27)
This case study illustrates the women empowerment initiatives in ICT and entrepreneurship in India, scrutinises the implementation of the Women ICT Frontier Initiative (WIFI) flagship programme in India and provides ...
South and South-West Asia : an analysis of the Beijing+25 review reports
(United Nations, 2021)
The present document contains a summary of the identified achievements, challenges, and key actions taken by the ESCAP members and associate members of the South and South West Asia sub-region to advance gender equality ...
Socio-economic profile of SAARC countries : a statistical analysis
(United Nations, 1996)
<p>The "Socio-Economic Profile of SAARC Countries: A Statistical Analysis" is the first of a series of studies that the ESCAP secretariat plans to undertake in order to provide detailed and up-to-date information relating ...