Now showing items 1-10 of 463
Affordable and clean energy in ASEAN cities : SDG 7 localization
(United Nations, 2021)
<p>This report presents the results of the research and analytical work initiated by ESCAP, in collaboration withthe United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Cities and Local Governments AsiaPacific (UCLG ...
National study on digital trade integration on Pakistan
(United Nations, 2021)
<p>This report provides an overview of digital trade integration of Pakistan. It identifies constraints and bottlenecks in achieving successful and sustainable regional digital trade integration. The methodology relies on ...
Enhancing shift towards sustainable freight transport in Asia and the Pacific : opportunities through railway decarbonization
(UN.ESCAP, 2021)
<p>The transport sector is responsible for around one third of global energy consumption and about a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions. Left unchecked the environmental burden from the transport sector could ...
Regional integration and cooperation of Pakistan in health-related sectors
(United Nations, 2021)
<p>The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in significant challenges for the Government of Pakistan. However, the pandemic has also provided opportunities for the Government to enhance trading linkages in medical ...
Bolstering East Asian-Latin American value chains through digitally deliverable services
(United Nations,, 2021)
The liberalization by Asian and Latin American economies of their trade regimes has seen digitalization becoming increasingly important for export competitiveness and productivity growth. This report has tracked the growth ...
Financing the SDGs to build back better from the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia and the Pacific
(United Nations, 2021)
The 2021 issue of ESCAP’s Financing for Development Series, Financing the SDGs to build back better from the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia and the Pacific, reviews a range of financing instruments, strategies and mechanisms ...
Transport and trade connectivity in the age of pandemics : contactless, seamless and collaborative UN solutions : Proposals for crisis-response provisions in regional and bilateral transport agreements of the ESCAP member states
(United Nations, 2021)
<p>The United Nations inter-agency project "Transport and trade connectivity in the age of pandemics: Contactless, seamless and collaborative UN solutions" project responds to a call to action, for the immediate health ...
Outward foreign direct investment and upgrading by emerging market firms in global value chains
(United Nations, 2021)
This report analyzes how emerging market firms upgrade their capabilities to become leading global competitors, suggesting the use of foreign investments as an upgrading mechanism in global value chains. The report introduces ...
Regional integration and cooperation of Philippines in health-related sectors
(United Nations, 2021)
<p>This paper has two objectives: (1) assess the health sector performance of the Philippines relative to other ASEAN member states, and (2) assess regional health integration and cooperation in the Philippines, and identify ...
Making regional integration work : company perspectives on non-tariff measures in Asia-Pacific
(International Trade Centre (ITC), 2023-02)
<p>Multilateral, plurilateral, unilateral, as well as regional integration efforts in the Asia-Pacific have brought down tariffs, increased connectivity, helped achieve regulatory harmonization and promoted cooperation ...