Now showing items 11-20 of 45
Review of alignment between roadmap for accelerated implementation of VPoA and national development strategies of five LLDCs in Asia (Afghanistan, Bhutan, Lao PDR, Mongolia and Nepal)
(UN.ESCAP, 2022)
<p>The Vienna Program of Action was adopted at the Second UN Conference on LLDCs in Vienna in November 2014. The program was developed for the period 2014-2024 to address some of the unique challenges faced by landlocked ...
Exploring linkages between non-tariff measures and the sustainable development goals : a global concordance matrix and application to Asia and the Pacific
(United Nations, 2019)
Non-tariff measures (NTM) are policy measures other than ordinary tariffs that can impact international trade. Many of the NTMs are, in principle, imposed to address specific and legitimate non-trade objectives, including ...
Regional integration in Bay of Bengal region in post-COVID-19 period
(United Nations, 2021)
Bay of Bengal countries have been affected heavily by the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. This article argues that the regional cooperation could help in reducing the costs of pandemic-driven barriers. The responses to the ...
Assessing multidimensional food system risks in Asia and the Pacific : INsights on Food SystEm Risks – INFER
(UN.ESCAP, 2024)
<p>This working paper introduces INFER (INsights on Food SystEm Risks), a risk assessment framework that provides insights into multidimensional risks to three food system outcomes: human health and nutrition; ecosystem ...
Financing research and development for new vaccines in Asia-Pacific developing countries
(United Nations, 2022)
There have been many important innovations in the landscape of vaccine development for neglected and emerging infectious diseases, such as the launch of public-private product development partnerships (PDPs). However, there ...
Strategic foresight to applications of Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI) to achieve disaster-related sustainable development goals
(UN.ESCAP, 2022-12)
This report is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 highlights the need for strategic foresight and discusses the data and methods used in the report. Chapter 2 discusses GeoAI, its evolution, features, and current state ...
Socioeconomic impact of coronavirus disease 2019 in South Asia : fiscal policy response and fiscal needs for supporting the economic recovery
(United Nations, 2021)
This paper assesses the socioeconomic impacts of Covid-19 in three South Asian economies -- Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka -- and corresponding fiscal policy responses to mitigate these impacts. Further, it appraises ...
Review of progress made in the implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for the landlocked developing countries (LLDCs)by Afghanistan, Bhutan, Lao PDR, Mongolia, and Nepal
(UN.ESCAP, 2022)
<p>The year 2024 marks the conclusion of the implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for the landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) for the decade 2014-20241 (VPoA). The 5 Asian LLDCs2have achieved mixed progress ...
Sustainable management of crop residues in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan : challenges and solutions
(ESCAP SSWA, 2023-05-30)
<p>The Development Papers Series of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Subregional Office for South and South-West Asia (ESCAP-SSWA) promotes and disseminates policy-relevant research on the ...
Inequality of opportunity in Asia and the Pacific : assessing birth registration in Fiji
(UN.ESCAP, 2023-08-22)
<p>This paper explores inequality in birth registration in Fiji by using Classification and Regression Tree methodology using data from Fiji’s recent Multiple Indicator and Cluster Survey (2021). The findings suggest ...