Now showing items 1-10 of 41
Good practices and emerging trends on geospatial technology and information applications for the sustainable development goals in Asia and the Pacific
(United Nations, 2018)
Contributions of space technology, digital innovations and geospatial information applications in addressing sustainable development in the region, and the potential for further development of these innovative technologies ...
An analytical framework for identifying optimal pathways towards sustainable development
(United Nations, 2016)
The freedom accorded to governments on how to achieve the ambitious and holistic 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development raises the critical issue of how countries should adapt the Sustainable Development Goals at the ...
The Asia-Pacific tax forum for sustainable development (AP-TFSD) : a proposal
(United Nations, 2016)
Taxes, and more generally the public revenue system, have provided the fiscal backbone for the remarkable development of
Asia and the Pacific over the past few decades. However, growing public spending requirements for ...
Global partnership for strong, sustainable and balanced growth : an agenda for the G20 summits
(United Nations, 2010)
Since its first meeting in December 1999 in Berlin, the Group of 20 or G20 has come a long way to establish its relevance, credibility and emerge as a premier council for global economic cooperation. Initially set up as a ...
Obstacles to productivity in Asia and Pacific region : finance reigns
(United Nations, 2016)
Firms face difference obstacles for their development. This paper investigates which obstacle is the largest to firms’ productivity using micro-level data for the Asia and Pacific region. Access to finance shows the most ...
Environmental tax reforms in Asia and the Pacific
(United Nations, 2017)
Environmental tax reform (ETR) is an important and integral part of a sustainable development strategy. ETR is an effective way of integrating economic, social and environmental costs into the price of goods and services ...
Capital market development and emergence of institutional investors in the Asia-Pacific region
(United Nations, 2015)
This discussion paper 'Capital Market Development and Emergence of Institutional Investors in the Asia-Pacific Region' was prepared for ESCAP by Hans Genberg, Advisor on Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy Management, South ...
Inclusive finance in the Asia-Pacific region : trends and approaches
(United Nations, 2015)
This discussion paper 'Inclusive Finance in the Asia-Pacific Region: Trends and Approaches' was prepared for ESCAP by Md. Ezazul Islam, Deputy General Manager, Bangladesh Bank.
Water, food and energy nexus in Asia and the Pacific
(United Nations, 2013)
The debate on natural resource scarcity was recently reignited. New scientific findings suggest that humanity has exceeded the planetary boundaries, threatening its own safe operation. Five attributes characterize the new ...
Trade finance for sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific
(United Nations, 2015)
This discussion paper 'Trade Finance for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific' was prepared for ESCAP by Sailendra Narain, Chairman, Centre for SME Growth and Development Finance, India.
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