Now showing items 1-10 of 16
The information sector and urban poverty alleviation in Asia and the Pacific
(United Nations, 1995)
<p>Urbanization is on the rise in most developing countries of the Economic and Social Commission forAsia and the Pacific (ESCAP) region, supported by both migration from rural to urban areas and natural population growth. ...
State of urbanization in Asia and the Pacific 1993
(United Nations, 1993)
<p>The State of Urbanization in Asia and the Pacific was prepared by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) to serve as a basis for the discussions at the Ministerial Conference ...
The transition of Asian and Pacific cities to a sustainable future : accelerating action for sustainable urbanization
(United Nations, 2022)
The publication reviews progress towards sustainable urban development in the region, drawing from case studies and best practices compiled in 2021. The report provides a mid-term follow-up on voluntary commitments made ...
Feasibility study on the legal and institutional context in the Pacific : towards the development of a sub-regional instrument on access rights
(United Nations, 2022)
<p>This document presents an outline feasibility study on the Pacific's legal and institutional context and capacities concerning the potential development of a sub-regional instrument on access rights. The first part of ...
Cities of opportunity : partnerships for an inclusive and sustainable future : report of the fifth Asia-Pacific Urban Forum, Bangkok, Thailand, 20-25 June 2011
(United Nations, 2011)
<p>The fifth Asia-Pacific Urban Forum (APUF-5) was held in Bangkok, Thailand from 20-25 June 2011. It was organized by ESCAP in conjunction with more than 30 partner organizations within and outside the United Nations ...
Technical report and recommendations to strengthen environmental impact assessment procedures in ASEAN
(United Nations, 2022)
<p>This technical report examines the practical ways to strengthen environmental impact assessment (EIA) procedures in ASEAN to address critical environmental and human rights issues. Climate change, biodiversity loss, and ...
The value of engagement and participation for advancing the 2030 agenda for sustainable development
(United Nations, 2022)
<p>This report provides an in-depth analysis of eight case studies, collected by ESCAP from selected partners, to identify strategies and engagement designs that can overcome cultural, socio-economic and institutional ...
Design Thinking Workshop : Naga City, Philippines, 10 –11 May 2017
(United Nations, 2017)
<p>GIZ is implementing the Regional Project “Integrated Resource Management in Asian Cities: the Urban Nexus” or – in brief – “GIZ Nexus”. The project is commissioned by German Federal ...
Sustainability outlook of Mongolia
(United Nations, 2018)
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, along with its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), provide countries
with an ambitious development agenda to leave no one behind. As countries grapple with this complex and ...
Asia-Pacific sustainable development goals outlook
(United Nations, 2017)
The diversity of the issues covered by this report required the collaboration of a large community of experts and practitioners based in the region and beyond. The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific ...