Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Quaternary stratigraphy of Asia and the Pacific IGCP 296 : ESCAP atlas of stratigraphy XIII, quaternary stratigraphy and paleonvironments of Australia, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Thailand and Viet Nam
(United Nations, 1993-03)
<p>This publication, fourth in a series devoted exclusively to the study of Quaternary stratigraphy in the Asia-Pacific region, contains a selection of papers presented at the third and fourth regional meetings of Project ...
Quaternary stratigraphy of Asia and the Pacific IGCP 296 (1990) : China, Hong Kong, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Viet Nam and Australia
(United Nations, 1991)
<p>This publication presents the papers given at the second meeting of IGCP Project 296, Quaternary of the Asia/Pacific at Khon Kaen, Thailand in July, 1990. The meeting was attended by representatives of eight countries. ...
Quaternary stratigraphy of Asia and the Pacific IGCP 296 (1989) : ESCAP atlas of stratigraphy X, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Republic of Korea, Viet Nam, Australia and New Zealand 1991
(United Nations, 1991)
<p>The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP), the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) and the Association of Geoscientists ...
Proceedings of the Seminar on Geochemical Prospecting Methods and Techniques
(United Nations, 1963)
<p>This publication contains the report and the principal documents of the Seminar on Geochemical Prospecting Methods and Techniques, which was held at Bangkok, Thailand from 5 to 14 August 1963 under the sponsorship of ...
Stratigraphic correlation between sedimentary basins of the ESCAP region Vol. V : ESCAP atlas of stratigraphy I: Burma, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines
(United Nations, 1978)
<p>This is the first Mineral Resources Development Series (MRDS) volume to be devoted to notes accompanying ESCAP Atlas of Stratigraphy sheets. The sheets and notes of this volume are the first to be completed to specifications ...
Survey of mining legislation : with special reference to Asia and the Far East
(Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations, 1957-12)
<p>The present report consists of a brief section, general observations, followed by part I, a survey of mineral legislation in countries of Asia and the Far East, based on information supplied by governments. </p><p>Part ...