Now showing items 51-60 of 86
Digital and sustainable trade facilitation in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 2021
(United Nations, 2022)
<p>The report presents the results of the 2021 United Nations Global Survey on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation for 10 ASEAN countries that reviewed the progress of trade facilitation reforms. It provides a ...
Regional integration and labour mobility : linking trade, migration and development
(United Nations, 2014)
<p>Labour migration in the Asia-Pacific is dynamic and growing. Variable economic growth, deepening regional integration, and growing disparities in wealth, both within and among countries, have created strong incentives ...
Improving border management to facilitate trade in SPECA : challenges and prospects
(United Nations, 2010)
An efficient and secured border management is vital for conducting cross-border trade in a smooth and cost-effective way. This is particularly true for the landlocked developing countries which are far away from seaports. ...
Identification of opportunities for interregional TCDC and ECDC : report of consultations between the government of India and Latin American governments, New Delhi, 5-7 June 1979
(United Nations, 1979)
Consultations between India and 13 Latin American countries to identify opportunities for interregional technical and economic co-operation were held from 5 to 7 June 1979 at New Delhi. The consultations were held ...
Trade and investment scenarios and liberalization Agenda for Asia and the Pacific
(United Nations, 1999)
<p>Living through the current economic crisis, it is hard to imagine that Asia is the same region that was recently touted as being the engine of growth for the world economy far into the twenty-first century. As is too ...
A handbook on negotiating development oriented intellectual property provisions in trade and investment agreements
(United Nations, 2019)
The drafting of the Handbook on negotiating development oriented intellectual property
provisions in trade and investment agreements (Handbook here forth) was guided by the
objective of supporting Asia and the Pacific ...
Trade in goods outlook in Asia and the Pacific 2020/2021
(United Nations, 2020)
Global and regional merchandise trade have faced significant downward pressure throughout 2019 and 2020. The
emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with increasing trade tensions and an already slowing global ...
International production sharing and exchange rates of Asian countries
(United Nations, 2013-05)
<p>The expansion of international production networks (IPNs), alternatively referred to as “global value chains” raises important new analytical and policy challenges. This study demonstrates how the growing ...
National action plan promoting the Philippines's digital trade integration in the Asia-Pacific region
(United Nations, 2021)
<p>The Asia-Pacific region is already the fastest growing e-commerce marketplace. The region covers 43% of the global share of the e-commerce market with a value of $1 trillion in e- commerce transactions. In this context, ...
Preferential trade agreements in Asia and the Pacific 2021/2022 : trends and developments
(United Nations, 2021)
<li>The Asia-Pacific region is a major contributor of PTAs, accounting for about half of PTAs worldwide. As of November 2021, there are 195 PTAs in force, 19 signed and pending ratification, and 97 under negotiation, ...