Now showing items 1-10 of 22
Tea marketing systems in Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia and Sri Lanka
(United Nations, 1996)
<p>Country-level studies of tea marketing systems were conducted to examine the basic characteristics of the current marketing arrangements for tea, the advantages and disadvantages of these market ing systems, feasible ...
The economic impact of tourism in Indonesia
(United Nations, 1991)
The decline of oil prices starting in 1986 greatly influenced the Government of Indonesia to change rapidly its policy of relying on oil to non-oil exports as a source of foreign exchange earnings. Foreign exchange is ...
Proceedings of the regional seminar on investment promotion and enhancement of the role of the private sector in Asia and the Pacific
(United Nations, 1994)
<p>The Regional Seminar on Investment Promotion and Enhancement of the Role of the Private Sector in Asia and the Pacific was held at Dhaka from 26 to 30 January 1993. The Seminar was organized by the Economic and Social ...
Sectoral flows of foreign direct investment in Asia and the Pacific
(United Nations, 1995)
The publication presents an analysis of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows in the Asia and Pacific region. It examines the sectors that have attracted FDI flows, and the potential sectors for future FDI inflows. It ...
Towards a more vibrant pepper economy
(United Nations, 1995)
<p>Studies presented at the International Pepper Seminar 1994, 17-19 August 1994 Bangkok, Thailand</p>
<p>Country papers were also presented to provided national perspective on the issues and problems that the pepper ...
Tourism development in the Asian region : report of the Symposium on Tourism Promotion in the Asian Region 12-15 November 1990 Hangzhou, China
(United Nations, 1991)
<p>The Symposium on Tourism Promotion in the Asian Region was organized by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) at Hangzhou, China, from 12 to 15 November 1990 in collaboration with the China ...
Promotion of intraregional trade and economic cooperation in the automotive sector
(United Nations, 2002)
<p>This report examines the potential of cross-border ventures in Asia in motor vehicle industry: motorcycles, cars, trucks and buses and their components. The production chain and the issues of technology and technology ...
Unveiling protectionism : regional responses to remaining barriers in the textiles and clothing trade
(United Nations, 2008)
<p>The collection of papers and country reports in this volume results from a project entitled “Weaving the Fabric of Regional Cooperation for Competitive Garment Exports: A Post-Quota Trading Environment (Phase ...
Development of the automotive sector in selected countries of the ESCAP Region : proceedings and country papers presented at the Regional Consultative Meeting on promotion of intraregional trade and economic cooperation in the automotive sector
(United Nations, 2002)
This publication reviews the current situation of the automobile industry sector in Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines and Thailand. Best practices and major policies related to promoting ...