Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Addressing unpaid care work in ASEAN
(United Nations, 2021)
<p>This report describes the state of the unpaid care economy in ASEAN countries. By examining the socioeconomic, political, legislative and institutional conditions in each country of ASEAN, this report highlights examples ...
COVID-19 and the unpaid care economy in Asia and the Pacific
(United Nations, 2021)
<p>To leave no one behind and to reach those furthest behind first are the essential ambitions of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Within that mandate, Sustainable Development Goal 5 (achieving gender ...
Policy approaches to direct digital frontier technologies towards inclusive and sustainable development
(United Nations, 2021)
During the COVID-19 pandemic, digital frontier technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and big data analytics, amongst others, were mobilized to fight against the pandemic. To build back better from the pandemic ...
Preferential trade agreements in Asia and the Pacific 2021/2022 : trends and developments
(United Nations, 2021)
<li>The Asia-Pacific region is a major contributor of PTAs, accounting for about half of PTAs worldwide. As of November 2021, there are 195 PTAs in force, 19 signed and pending ratification, and 97 under negotiation, ...
Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic leaving no country behind
(United Nations, 2021)
Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Leaving No Country Behind is the theme report of the Asia-Pacific SDG partnership for 2021. Reflecting on the theme of the 8th Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development, it aims to ...