Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Review of sustainable transport connectivity in Asia and the Pacific 2019 : addressing the challenges for freight transport
(United Nations, 2019)
The Review of Sustainable Transport Connectivity in Asia and the Pacific: Addressing the Challenges for Freight Transport is the biennial publication of Transport Division. The edition of 2019 is produced at the three-year ...
Information and communication technologies (ICT) for trade and transport facilitation : ICT related requirements and gaps in implementing trade and transport facilitation systems
(United Nations, 2016)
This paper studies the linkage between trade and transport facilitation and ICT. It looks into the business needs of trade and transport facilitation (TTF) and how ICT can respond to these needs. The paper argues, new ...
Good practices for promoting regional cooperation in space applications for sustainable urban development, water resources management and transportation management
(United Nations, 2014)
This paper sets out to show how space technology and geospatial data, combined with non-space derived data such as socio-economic data, can enhance the understanding and observation of global, and how it can play an important ...
Intergovernmental agreement on the Asian highway network
(United Nations, 2020)
The Intergovernmental Agreement on the Asian Highway Network is the first treaty to have been developed under the auspices of the UNESCAP secretariat and deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
It ...