Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Trade facilitation and paperless trade implementation survey 2015 - country notes : Bangladesh
(UN.ESCAP, 2015)
This country briefing note is for Bangladesh and has been produced as an accompaniment to the <a href ="">Trade facilitation and paperless trade implementation survey 2015 : Asia and ...
Trade facilitation in Asia and the Pacific : an analysis of import and and export processes
(United Nations, 2011)
This book is a synthesis of the results and implications from a series of product-specific import and export process analyses conducted in selected Asian countries. It provides a unique set of micro-level information on ...
Time release study of Banglabandha land border crossing station, Bangladesh
(United Nations, 2017)
In the process of undertaking the baseline study of Trade and Transport Facilitation Monitoring Mechanism (TTFMM) in Bangladesh, five studies are carried out to provide multiple facets of trade and transport facilitation ...
Trade and transport facilitation monitoring mechanism in Bangladesh : baseline study
(Asian Development Bank, 2017)
<p>The establishment of a Trade and Transport Facilitation Monitoring Mechanism (TTFMM) is important for a country to take stock, identify bottlenecks, and prioritize recommendations for the implementation of trade ...
Feasibility study on cross-border electronic exchange of trade data – Bangladesh
(United Nations, 2023-09-07)
This report aims to study the feasibility and establish a stepwise approach for engaging in the cross-border electronic exchange of trade-related data a.nd documents with neighbouring and partner countries, particularly ...