Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Prospects of economic development through cooperation in North-East Asia
(United Nations, 1995)
A collection of papers discussing prospects and problems of economic cooperation in order to encourage the development of the transitional economies and of the North-East Asian subregion. Papers are presented at the Expert ...
Strategies for the technological transformation of selected Asian and Pacific economies through regional cooperation
(United Nations, 1994)
<p>This publication is a compilation of materials that provide an insight into the difficulties faced by both the public and private sectors and the benefits they derive in managing technology assessment programmes in their ...
Policies and strategies for promoting the role of the private sector in industrial and technological development, including privatization in South Asian economies
(United Nations, 1996)
Highlights the importance of the private sector in industrial and technological development in South Asian economies after drawing experiences from other Asian countries; and elaborates deregulation, liberalization and ...
Wind-powered water pumping in Asia and the Pacific
(United Nations, 1991)
<p>Historically, wind energy has been used in many parts of Asia and the Pacific to supply power for various purposes, including water pumping. The potential for application of wind-powered waler pumping, as a cost-effective ...
Expansion of manufactured exports by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in ESCAP region : volume II: national studies.
(United Nations, 1995-01-01)
The study on the expansion of export of manufactured products from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is the output of the Seminar. It consists of two volumes: Volume I. Regional study; and Volume II. National studies. ...
Towards a more vibrant pepper economy
(United Nations, 1995)
<p>Studies presented at the International Pepper Seminar 1994, 17-19 August 1994 Bangkok, Thailand</p>
<p>Country papers were also presented to provided national perspective on the issues and problems that the pepper ...
E-business development services for SMEs in selected ASEAN countries and southern China
(United Nations, 2007)
The economies in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), namely
Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand,
Viet Nam, and Yunnan Province of China, are based on agriculture and
natural resources. ...
Development of the automotive sector in selected countries of the ESCAP Region : proceedings and country papers presented at the Regional Consultative Meeting on promotion of intraregional trade and economic cooperation in the automotive sector
(United Nations, 2002)
This publication reviews the current situation of the automobile industry sector in Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines and Thailand. Best practices and major policies related to promoting ...
Economic and social development in the Greater Mekong Subregion and the role of ESCAP
(United Nations, 2002)
This report reviews existing development strategies and programmes in the GMS so that strategies could be reformulated to avoid duplication of effort, enhance complementarities and private-sector support. It identifies ...