Now showing items 1-10 of 19
Water resource project planning
(United Nations, 1972)
Reports of major studies carried out by the Division of Water Resources Development of the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE) are being published as the Water Resources Series (formerly ...
Report of the round-table discussion on "participation of women and their emancipation through the application of science and technology to development"
(United Nations, 1979)
<p>The Round Table discussed ideological issues on the extent of political will necessary for ensuring a situation in which there would be no considerations based on sex. It also felt that while the application of science ...
Premises and implications of a unified approach to development analysis and planning
(United Nations, 1976)
<p>In outlining some basic dimensions of an integrated development strategy needed to overcome the frightening problem of mass poverty in Asian countries, the study places special emphasis on people's participation in the ...
Measuring the social impact of population trends and development : report of an expert group meeting
(United Nations, 1979)
The meeting brought together experts from ESCAP member and associat member countries to exchange views and experiences in the area of social indicators. The conclusion reached by this group was that social indicators would ...
Stratigraphic correlation between sedimentary basins of the ESCAP region Vol. V : ESCAP atlas of stratigraphy I: Burma, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines
(United Nations, 1978)
<p>This is the first Mineral Resources Development Series (MRDS) volume to be devoted to notes accompanying ESCAP Atlas of Stratigraphy sheets. The sheets and notes of this volume are the first to be completed to specifications ...
Report of the Intergovernmental Committee on Trade Expansion Programme and Summary Record of Meetings of the Trade Negotiations Group
(United Nations, 1976)
<p>In the Kabul Declaration by the Fourth Council of Ministers on Asian Economic Co-operation convened at Kabul, Afghanistan, in December 1970, the Council of Ministers announced its decision, inter alia, “to establish an ...
Twenty-fifth anniversary of ECAFE : record of observances
(United Nations, 1973-03)
This publication, which is a record of the observance of ECAFE's twenty-fifth anniversary
by the Commission as a whole and by its members and associate members individually,
is being released at the twenty-ninth session ...
Twenty-fifth anniversary of ECAFE : a commemorative review
(United Nations, 1972-03)
<p>This publication is being released at the twenty-eighth session of the Commission, which is being held at Bangkok in March 1972. The session coincides with the main commemoration at the international level of ECAFE's ...
Report of evaluation of the role of population factors in the planning process through the application of development models
(United Nations, 1978)
<p>Development planning is an attempt to co-ordinate decision making by setting quantitative targets which must be reached in a given period of time. It has become an essential and integral part of the development process ...
Proceedings of the workshop on biogas and other rural energy resources, held at Suva, and the roving seminar on rural energy development, held at Bangkok, Manila, Tehran and Jakarta
(United Nations, 1979)
<p>In 1977, the ESCAP secretariat organized, as a part of its programmes on non-conventional sources of energy and integrated rural development, the Workshop on Biogas and Other Rural Energy Resources, at Suva, Fiji from ...