Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Flood damage and flood control activities in Asia and the Far East
(United Nations, 1950-10)
The area, known as Asia and the Far East, extending from the Sunda Islands, south of the equator, to Manchuria and Korea in the north, embraces a wide variety of climatic features ranging from tropical rainy to snow cool. ...
Proceedings of the regional technical conference on flood control in Asia and the Far East
(United Nations, 1952-10)
<p>The various studies carried out by the Bureau of Flood Control are being published as a “Flood Control Series.” The first number of the series, entitled “Flood Damage and Flood Control Activities ...
Population trends and related problems of economic development in the ECAFE region
(United Nations, 1959)
<p>This is the first of a series of studies on “Population Growth and Economic Development’’ prepared by the Secretariat of the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, in close collaboration with ...
Survey of mining legislation : with special reference to Asia and the Far East
(Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations, 1957-12)
<p>The present report consists of a brief section, general observations, followed by part I, a survey of mineral legislation in countries of Asia and the Far East, based on information supplied by governments. </p><p>Part ...
River training and bank protection
(United Nations, 1953)
This study deals with the general theory and principles of river training and river bank protection. A description is given of the various methods of river training and bank protection that are adopted in the different ...
Electric power in Asia and the Far East 1951-1955
(United Nations, 1957-10)
<p>Briefly reviews electric power developments both in the ESCAP region as a whole and in individual countries; also includes statistical data on the technical and financial aspects of the industry in the respective countries.</p>
Methods and problems of flood control in Asia and the Far East
(United Nations, 1951)
<p>This is the second issue of the Flood Control Series. Material for this study has been collected by the experts of the Bureau during their field trips to various countries of the region and from technical literature on ...
Economic Bulletin for Asia and the Far East. Vol. I, No. 1-3, 1950-1951
(United Nations, 1950)
The Economic Bulletin for Asia and the Far East provides a comprehensive analysis of the economic conditions and trends in the region, covering key developments in trade, finance, industry, and resource management. This ...
Economic bulletin for Asia and the Far East
(United Nations, 1951)
Progress was made in extending external economic aid to the region. Rational steps were taken to implement the technical assistance programme of the United Nations, and the International Bank approved several loans. The ...