Now showing items 1-10 of 30
Remote sensing for tropical ecosystem management : proceedings of the eighth regional seminar on earth observation for tropical ecosystem management, Yangon, Myanmar, 25-29 1999
(United Nations, 2000)
<p>The Eighth Regional Seminar on Earth Observation for Tropical Ecosystem Management was held at Yangon, Myanmar, from 25 to 29 October 1999. This regional seminar is organized annually by the National Space Development ...
Climate-smart trade and investment in Asia and the Pacific : towards a triple-win outcome
(United Nations, 2011)
Managing climate change caused by greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has been recognized as one of the world's greatest challenges in current times, in particular in Asia and the Pacific which accounts for most of the world's ...
Green growth, resources and resilience : environmental sustainability in Asia and the Pacific, 2012
(United Nations, 2012)
While regional countries are driving the global "green growth" agenda, policymakers are facing a new economic reality and
heightened uncertainty. The challenge of eco-efficient economic growth and inclusive resource use ...
Low carbon green growth roadmap for Asia and the Pacific : turning resource constraints and the climate crisis into economic growth opportunities
(United Nations, 2012)
The Low Carbon Green Growth Roadmap for Asia and the Pacific explores the opportunities that a low carbon green growth path offers to the region. It articulates five tracks on which to drive the economic system change ...
Climate champions’ extended compendium of climate related initiatives : regional project list for Asia and the Pacific
(United Nations, 2022)
<p>Ahead of COP-27, UN ESCAP, together with other Regional Commissions, partners with the incoming Egyptian Presidency of COP27 and the UN High-Level Champions for Climate Action to organize a series of five regional forums ...
Ministerial Declaration and Regional Action Programme for Sustainable Transport Development in Asia and the Pacific (2022–2026)
(United Nations, 2022)
The fourth session of the Ministerial Conference on Transport held in Bangkok and online from 14 to 17 December 2021 adopted the Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Transport Development in Asia and the Pacific and a ...
Sustainable finance : bridging the gap in Asia and the Pacific
(UN.ESCAP, 2023)
In this biennial report, the fifth within ESCAP’s Financing for Development series, we examine the trends, challenges, and opportunities for policymakers, regulators, and private finance (banks, issuers, and investors) in ...
Systematic review of the socio-economic impacts of rural electrification
(United Nations, 2021)
Provision of modern energy services to communities grappling with poverty and inequality can have a transformative effect on economic standing, health, education, poverty, and inequality. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable ...
2023 review of climate ambition in Asia and the Pacific : just transition towards regional net-zero climate resilient development
(UN.ESCAP, 2023-11)
<p>Climate change and its impacts, such as extreme weather patterns and rising sea levels, are devastating and unprecedented. In the Asia-Pacific region, typhoons, floods, heatwaves and droughts, are resulting in human and economic losses that continue to undermine hard-won development gains across the region.</p>
<p>The sixth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report, notes that adverse impacts from anthropogenic climate change will continue to intensify, and provides mitigation pathways to limit warming to 1.5°C particularly by rapidly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.</p>
<p>This <strong>2023 Review of Climate Ambition in Asia and the Pacific</strong><strong>: Just transition towards regional net-zero climate resilient development</strong>, developed jointly by ESCAP, UNEP, UNFCCC/RCC Asia-Pacific, ILO, UN Women and UNIDO, and the members of the Issues-Based Coalition for Raising Climate Ambition of the Regional Collaboration Platform for Asia and the Pacific members, applies the Panel’s recommendations for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to the analysis and recommendations for Asia-Pacific member States to set more ambitious NDC commitments. The report also investigates opportunities to develop and apply just transition tools, policies and framework policies that will ensure society wide support and engagement in implementing low carbon and net zero economy-wide transition. Furthermore, in the analysis of the trends in ecosystems changes in the Asia-Pacific region, the report seeks to identify new and innovative approaches to both mitigation and adaptation, as well as to increase investments in the maintenance and restoration of terrestrial, coastal and marine ecosystems to leverage nature-based climate solutions.</p>...