Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Economic impact of social protection programmes in India : an illustrative exercise in the SAM framework
(Institute for Human Development, 2015-01)
<p>This study attempts to evaluate the economic impact of a few major social protection programmes in India. Using the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) framework, this study computes the output, employment, income, and revenue ...
The challenge of gendering social security : agrarian crisis, precarious livelihoods and widow farmers
(Institute for Human Development, 2016-02)
<p>The focus of this paper is the suicide widow farmer-(small and marginal farmers, single women headed households) who depend on unsustainable agricultural based livelihoods. It is by interlinking agrarian crisis and ...
Social protection in Nepal : labour markets outcomes and fiscal sustainability
(Institute for Human Development, 2015-06)
<p>Nepal is now in a post-conflict period. As is well established, social exclusion perpetuated along gender, caste and geography lines 2 was one of the instrumental factors that causedthedecade long conflict from 1996to ...
Employment challenges in Nepal : trends, characterisics and policy options for inclusive growth and development
(Institute for Human Development, 2015-05)
<p>The present study aims to examine employment challenges in Nepal from an inclusive growth perspective and derive some important policy lessons. For that purpose, apart from examining employment and labour market ...
The quest for achieving universal social protection in Nepal : challenges and opportunities
(Institute for Human Development, 2016-01)
<p>With the new millennium, social protection has emerged as a new priority area in the international development agenda with social protection policies now considered a preferred instrument for poverty reduction, human ...
More and better jobs for Pakistan : can the manufacturing sector play a greater role?
(Institute for Human Development, 2015-04)
<p>In the context of creating more and better jobs in Pakistan for a labour force that is growing at over 3 per cent per year the central issue the paper addresses is why the manufacturing sector has not served as a major ...
Social protection in Sri Lanka : current status and effect on labor market outcomes
(Institute for Human Development, 2015-03)
<p>There are many social protection programs in Sri Lanka targeting vulnerable groups such as the poor, elderly, disabled, children and women. These programs vary from cash and in-kind transfers to pensions, insurance and ...
Education poverty : a spatial analysis at district level precarious livelihoods and widow farmers achieving
(Institute for Human Development, 2016-04)
<p>This study aims, first to construct an education poverty index (EPI) for Pakistan using household data; second, to investigate the spatial differences of education poverty at district level; and third to find the ...
What factors matter for choice of livelihood by the older workers
(Institute for Human Development, 2016-05)
<p>This study aims to investigatewhat factors explain the choice of livelihood by the older labour force aged 50 years and above using the Sri Lanka Labour Force data set2013 (LFS). The ‘occupation choice model’ ...
Impacts of vocational education and training on employment and wages in India manufacturing industries
(Institute for Human Development, 2016-07)
<p>The study reveals that Vocational education and training (VET) significantly enhances participation in the manufacturing sector of India across all social groups. But, the impact of VET on employment varies across ...