Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Inclusive finance in the Asia-Pacific region : trends and approaches
(United Nations, 2015)
This discussion paper 'Inclusive Finance in the Asia-Pacific Region: Trends and Approaches' was prepared for ESCAP by Md. Ezazul Islam, Deputy General Manager, Bangladesh Bank.
Trade wars : risks and opportunities for Asia-Pacific economies from US tariffs
(United Nations, 2019)
What do trade tensions between the United States and China, the two largest trade partners of Asia-Pacific economies, mean for regional economies? This paper offers views on the implications for the rest of Asia and the ...
Regulatory cooperation in vaccines in the Asia-Pacific region : special series on trade and health
(ARTNeT, 2022-11)
<p>The global health crisis that came to be known as the COVID-19 pandemic and started to sweep across the world in early 2020 revealed many vulnerabilities in the economic, social, and political fabric underpinning what ...
Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement : an evolving preferential regional trade agreement
(UN.ESCAP, 2022)
<p>Asia-Pacific region has become the centre of economic growth of the world for the last couple of decades and international trade and investment have played a key role for many countries in this region in achieving this ...
Preliminary analysis of COVID-19 response and recovery policies in Asia and the Pacific : integrating space applications and socioeconomic data integrating space applications and socioeconomic data
(United Nations, 2020)
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to take its toll across the world and has triggered tremendous social and economic impacts, reversing hard-won development gains. There is a natural link between geospatial information and ...